A downloadable game

When a mysterious portal opens in her bedroom Elsie is pulled into the shadow world, the world where all evil is banished allowing the light world to live in peace. With help from her Magical companion Zuei, Elsie navigates the world to fight her way back home. But as time goes on it becomes clear not all is as it seems.


Pam Jackson - Writer, voice acting www.pamjackson.co.uk

Dark Kara - monster, environment art

https://x.com/DarkKara2 https://www.artstation.com/darkkara

Froyuh! - UI, logo https://www.froyuh.art/

Ms.hunny_buny - character artist and animator @ms_hunybunny. (X)

toffeemilky - Music and Sound https://itch.io/profile/toffeemilky

CatIcedTea - Programmer https://caticedtea.itch.io/

Font used:



Dark Reflections.zip 111 MB

Install instructions

Just download, extract, and run!


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Incredibly clean and good starter for a rogue-like game! It was very fun to clear out, and it has a lot of expansion potential.

I became a guerilla fighter magical girl with an axe followed by a useless bat thingy that just watched me suffer in this hellish looping forest. 10/10

Some tips for anyone trying to clear this: 

1. Rocky Dudes takes 3 light attacks to defeat, or one heavy attack and one light attack. You can follow up a heavy attack with a light one in quick sucession to eliminate it immediately.

2. Eyeball Goopers takes 2 heavy attacks to defeat, when they charge into you, you can either fall back or dodge into them. You will have more than ample time to hit them twice with heavies. 

3. Plant Bulbs takes 3 heavy strikes, and work like the Eyeballs. 

4. DO NOT LET ENEMIES CLUMP UP,  AGGRO THEM ONE BY ONE OR IT WILL SPIRAL OUT OF YOUR CONTROL, when you dodge you can easily bump into another enemy charging into you just the moment your I-Frames run out. 

5. Hitting an enemy stuns them a bit, which can throw off the timing in when they will attack. Always keep this in mind.